Arrival in Rauhalahti

How to reach Kuopio

Travelling to the Kuopio region is easy, whether by public transport or your own car. Click the map in order to get larger map (google maps).

Kuopio is the biggest city in eastern Finland. Connections by air to Kuopio are good, as there are several daily flights from Helsinki. Kuopio Airport also operates charter flights. There are five trains daily from Helsinki to Kuopio, the fastest Inter-City train taking only about four hours. Kuopio is situated by one of the arterial roads of the country, highway no. 5 leading from Helsinki to Lapland. A good network of well-maintained roads connects Kuopio and the rural districts in the region. The Kuopio region can also be reached by bus.

Coordinates: lattitude 62.867800, height 27.642990

Distances to Kuopio:

  km Road Rail Air
Helsinki 400 4 h 30 min 5 h 30 min 1 h
Tampere 300 3 h 45 min 3 h 30 min  
Turku 450 5 h 30 min 5 h 30 min  
Vaasa 380 4 h 45 min 7 h  
Oulu 290 3 h 45 min 5 h   

How to reach Rauhalahti

Distances to Rauhalahti:

  • Airport 23 km**
  • Railway station 6 km
  • Bus station 6 km

*** Exceptionally extensive runway and taxiway renovation will take place at Kuopio Airport in the summer of 2024. Due to the renovation work, flights to and from Kuopio will be suspended from 24 June to 6 August 2024.

Local buses from Kuopio city centre:
the bus line number 7  directly to the hotel. Check the timetables here.

Some useful links:
VR Finnish Railways
Matkahuolto (buses)

Road introductions when arriving from south:

1. On highway no 5, approx. 6 km before the centre of Kuopio, sign Rauhalahti.

2. Drive to the right from the highway, at first approx. 800 m Rauhalahdentie -street.

3. Turn to the left, to Kartanonkatu -street (there is also sign Rauhalahti), approx. 900 m this Kartanonkatu -street.

4. Turn to the right: Kylpylähotelli Rauhalahti.

5. Drive straight on approx. 500 m to the hotel yard.

Practical Tips on Getting Around in Finland (by VisitFinland)

Practical Tips for Travellers (by VisitFinland)